Women Owning Woodlands



Women Owning Woodlands empowers women landowners to take action toward the future of their land. Women make up a growing portion of private forest landowners and their knowledge and confidence in managing their land is invaluable. By coordinating information and trainings designed specifically for women in a historically male-dominated topic area, we support women in forest leadership, women who manage their own woodlands, and all who facilitate the stewardship of forests.


The Women Owning Woodlands network strives to bring topical, accessible, and current forestry information to woodland owners and forest practitioners through news articles, blogs, events, resources, and personal stories.

We connect women to informational resources, training workshops, and trusted professionals around the country, building a growing community of women landowners. 

The Forest Stewards Guild facilitates the national Women Owning Woodlands network through the support of the USDA Forest Service. 


Tiffany Hopkins, OSU WOWnet Coorindator

“There is something about the energy present after every workshop. The knowledge and sharing and empowerment piece is stunning. Women now speak on educational panels that are statewide, having come from not feeling like they knew anything.”

Current WOW Projects


Part 1, April 25, 2020
Part 2, May 2, 2020



Related resources

Program contacts

For more information on the Guild’s role in Women Owning Woodlands,

please contact Chanda at:

541-913-3221 or by email: chanda@forestguild.org.

Stay Informed

about our recent projects and upcoming events.