Lakes States Region

Ecological forestry in the land of Leopold
The Great Lakes and the Mississippi River are among North America’s greatest treasures and the forested ecosystems of this region are key to maintaining these resources. Interacting with the region’s countless lakes, wetlands, and streams is essential to ecological forestry here.
Our forests range from the hardwood ridges of the Driftless country, through the great pineries that built middle-America, to the sub-boreal forests farther north. Lake states forests take many different shapes.
This is the ‘Land of Leopold,’ and we work to build on the foundation of ecologically, economically, and socially responsible forestry laid down by the stewards before us.
We focus on bringing passionate people together to address issues facing the region’s forested ecosystems.
You can help!
Let us know your forest management challenges. Or, show us a forest that demonstrates exemplary stewardship. Help us find places and ways to gather this region's rich community of stewards together for sharing, learning, and making a landscape-scale difference.
Key Projects
- Topic driven events and meetings
- Landscape Stewardship Planning
- Foresters for the Birds
- Collaborative prescribed burning
- Forest policy
Lake States Highlights
Landscape Stewardship Plans
Stay Informed
about our recent projects and upcoming events.