Sustaining Ash Partners Network (SAP-Ne)

Basket makers, Tribal and non-Tribal natural resource managers, and researchers discuss black ash silviculture
Basket makers, Tribal and non-Tribal natural resource managers, and researchers discuss black ash silviculture during the Basket Makers Ash Resource Gathering in Akwesasne in July 2023.

A Collaborative Effort to Sustain Ash  

The Sustaining Ash Partners Network (SAP-Ne) builds off of ongoing efforts to protect ash across Tribal Nations, government agencies, academia, private organizations, and diverse forest stewards (e.g., private landowners, Indigenous knowledge keepers, forestry contractors, municipalities, youth) in the Northeast.  

What do we do?  

We engage in training, treatment, and outreach across the region’s states (i.e., Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts) and lands of federally recognized sovereign Tribal Nations throughout this region. SAP-Ne encourages landscape level actions to sustain ash, share stories of hope for ash preservation, and amplify the cultural significance of ash among Indigenous peoples. 

While SAP-Ne is still in the launch phase, our objectives are to:  

  • Elevate the importance of stewardship approaches that honor the cultural values of ash and connected relationships with Indigenous partners and sovereign Tribal Nations, 
  • Offer workshops and webinars through coordinated partnership to retain ash on the landscape,  
  • Establish a network of demonstration areas that highlight ash stewardship (i.e., silviculture, insecticide treatments, biological controls, cultural values etc.) on state lands, 
  • Develop a web hub to share resources on ash, related events, and the latest developments on ash management in the Northeast, 
  • Monitor the efficacy of the network, its proposed actions, and outreach to optimize our impact and streamline ash protection across the region.  

Who are we?  

SAP-Ne is a growing network of partners founded in 2023 through an award by the USDA Forest Service Landscape Scale Restoration Program. Partners are listed to the right on this page.

Program contact at the Forest Stewards Guild  

If you have any questions, would like to be involved, or want to find our more information about SAP-Ne, please contact Rachel Swanwick at 

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about our recent projects and upcoming events.