Webinar Library

Webinar Library Webinars The Forest Stewards Guild regularly hosts webinars. These are a great way to learn from experts across the country, even if you can’t get to their location…

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Keeping forest as forest

Keeping Forest as Forest Keeping forest as forest When forests are converted to agriculture, homes, offices, roads, or other development, we lose all the benefits the forest provided. Even when…

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Webinar – Keeping Forest as Forest

A webinar on conversion, fragmentation, and conservation Thursday, March 26, 11:00 a.m. – Noon MT Listen to the recording! In this hour-long webinar for Forest Stewards Guild members and partners…

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Pioneer Forest

Pioneer Forest Apply for Model Forest designation Explore current Model Forests by region Pioneer Model Forest Written by Jason Green and Eytan Krasilovsky History: Pioneer Forest has been in the…

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Old Growth

Old Growth Forests Old growth forests deserve protection Why are old growth forests important? Old growth forests play essential roles in wildlife habitat, species diversity, hydrological regimes, nutrient cycles, carbon…

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