40% discount on Online Silviculture Institute for Guild members with promo code ForestGuild. Offer expires in August, 2020. Summary Get Forester Credits without going to meetings or field training. The Institute is a series of 5 two-day graduate level training sessions held in 2017 and 2018 for foresters all over the northeast. Each session, including…
Three-pronged ginseng. Photo by Jennifer Chandler. This webinar is the first in a series that replaces an original event that was scheduled for August 7, 2020 entitled Mountain Cove Forest Management and Conservation in the Central Appalachians. That original event will not be held due to Covid-19. This webinar was recorded The effect of timber…
Register here August 13 9:00 a.m. PT/ 10 MT/ 11 CT/ Noon ET This webinar is approved for 1 CFE credit by SAF As we work to confront impacts of climate change and to support adaptation in our forests, being able to communicate effectively with other professionals and stakeholders is crucial. Our final webinar in…
Register Trails for People and Wildlife: A Guide to Planning Trails that Allow People to Enjoy Nature and Wildlife to Thrive Thursday, August 13 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET Hiking, mountain biking, bird watching, and horseback riding are just some of the ways we get outside to enjoy nature and relax. However even these seemingly…
Register Wednesday, August 19 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET Forests across the globe, including those that blanket Vermont, have tremendous potential to help us mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration and storage. Increasingly, there are a number of programs that aim to compensate forest landowners for providing this important ecosystem service. These programs include both…
Register (free) August 19, 2020 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. CT This event is geared towards Aitkin County residents with 20 acres of forested land, but all are welcome to join us as we talk about the basics of forest stewardship and managing your lands for things like wildlife, water quality, and forest health. Aitkin County…
Register Old Growth Forests: What They Are, Why They’re Important, and Opportunities for Management Wednesday, August 19 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. ET Old growth forests can be defined as forested ecosystems which have developed somewhat independently over a long time, usually at least several centuries. In addition to being beautiful demonstrations of how forests naturally grow…
This virtual field tour is the second in a series that replaces an original event entitled Mountain Cove Forest Management and Conservation in the Central Appalachians. That original event will not be held due to Covid-19. A virtual tour of Tom's Run Preserve in West Virginia Download a one-page, PDF study companion to the video…