Sustainable forest biomass

Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines
Forest biomass harvesting guidelines help ensure the ecological sustainability of forest residue harvesting for bioenergy and bioproducts. The recent article Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines reviews 32 guidelines from around the world and provides a comprehensive resource for those developing guidelines or defining sustainability standards. The recent article is based on comprehensive excerpts from local guidelines, which in many cases were translated into English. The database of excerpts provides a comprehensive resource for those developing guidelines or defining sustainability standards (download here).
Request for feedback and input
Guidelines are continually being revised, and new guidelines created, and it is the authors’ intent to keep the dataset updated and publicly available. If you have created a new or revised guideline, know of guidelines that we have not included, have found errors in the dataset, or have suggestions for improvement of the spreadsheet, please contact Inge and Zander, who have volunteered to maintain the dataset and will acknowledge all contributions to revisions:
- Dr. Inge Stupak, University of Copenhagen, or
- Dr. Zander Evans, Forests Stewards Guild,
We anticipate that an updated dataset will be shared on this website as substantial additions are made.
- Titus, B.D., Brown, K., Helmisaari, HS. et al. (2021) Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines. Energy, Sustainability and Society 11:10
- Titus, B.D. (2021) Helping ensure that forest bioenergy is environmentally sustainable. BMC On Physical Sciences blog.
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