Platte Canyon CWPP

Platte Canyon Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Platte Canyon Fire Protection District was approved by their Board of Directors in February 2020. A partnership between the Forest Stewards Guild and the Platte Canyon Fire Protection District created this document intended for district use, local land managers, and residents that live within this district. This document would not have been possible without robust community participation and the input from the Colorado State Forest Service, the Pike-San Isabel National Forest, Fire Adapted Bailey, Denver Water, Park County Public Works, and the Park County Sheriff’s Office.
The 2020 Platte Canyon Fire Protection District Community Wildfire Protection Plan was designed
to analyze risk, discuss implementation options, and prioritize lifesaving actions. Platte Canyon Fire
and residents living under their protection can utilize this document to mitigate risk to their homes,
neighborhoods, and evacuation routes. The analyses in this document summarizes risks to
population centers by utilizing neighborhood and evacuation unit boundaries. This allowed for the
Fire Protection District to be broken down into manageable pieces to prioritize areas of highest risk.
In addition to state required CWPP content, this document includes:
- Roadway and Evacuation Risk Analysis
- Treatment Locations to provide emergency shelter-in-place
- Post-Fire Erosion Risk Analysis
The Plan
1: Guide
1.1 Bailey Estates to Estabrook
1.2 Friendship to McKinley
1.3 Mill Iron D to Woodside
2: Wildfire Hazard Severity Form Checklist
3: Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
4: Protecting Your Home from wildfire
5. Protect Your Property from Wildfire
6. How to Prepare Your Home for Wildfires
7. Fuelbreak Guidelines
8. Firefighter Safety
9. Lodgepole Pine Management Guidelines
10. Colorado Pile Construction Guide
11. Colorado Rx Fire Policy Guide
12. The Waldo Canyon Fire
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