New Mexico Forest Health Initiative

USDA Forest Service - Region 2 - Rocky Mountain Region , USDA Forest Service,

For the health of the forest

The New Mexico Forest Health Initiative assists private landowners, state managed lands, municipalities, and Tribes with improving forest health by increasing resilience to forest pests such as bark beetles, pathogens, and drought.

The New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department Forestry Division manages and directs the Forest Health Initiative via funding from the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry. The Forest Stewards Guild's Southwestern Region processes landowner reimbursements. The Forest Stewards Guild is proud to partner with the New Mexico Forestry Division on this important program to improve the health of New Mexico's forests. Forest Stewards Guild strives to process reimbursements in an efficient and timely manner.

Forest Health Initiative Criteria:

  1. Parcel is at high risk of forest pests or pathogens, particularly bark beetles.
  2. Parcel is in need of a Forest Stewardship Management Plan.
  3. Parcel is part of a larger watershed or landscape scale effort.

Federal income tax guidance from the USDA Forest Service for private forest landowners (2013).
Pages 43-44 are most relevant to the FHI program. Funding for FHI originates with the Western Bark Beetle Initiative. Contact your tax advisor for guidance specific to your situation.

For more information about New Mexico's Forest Health Initiative please contact: 

John Formby, Ph.D.
Forest Health Specialist
NM State Forestry Division
1220 S. St. Francis Dr.
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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