Register (registration ends December 20, 2020) January 25-March 15, 2021 The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub are offering the Adaptation Planning and Practices training as an online course for forest and natural resource managers. This unique opportunity provides hands-on training in considering climate change information and identifying adaptation actions for…
Register for town hall Tuesday , February 2, 2021 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. ET Download event flyer Oak trees are iconic in southern New England, dominating seventy percent of the region's forests. Most of those forests are owned and stewarded by family forestowners, like you. These forests face many threats to their long-term health…
Register Innovative Approaches to Increasing Carbon on the Landscape: Large-Scale Reforestation and the Family Forest Carbon Program is part of the Forest-Climate Working Group Learning Exchange Series. February 3, 2021 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EST Emerging and innovative approaches to carbon storage are becoming increasingly important from policy, program, incentive, and biophysical perspectives. This session…
Save the date (registration opens February 10) NESAF turns 101! Celebrating the past, looking to the future March 22 - 24, 2021 Agenda for more details Summary: Plenary talks The NESAF Forestry Profession, 100 Years - Ken Laustsen (New England Society of American Foresters) History of Forest Science , New England Roots - Mark Ashton…
Register February 11, 2021 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET Hear about planning and designing modern sustainable trails and how to incorporate forestry aesthetics into your woodlot management. Presenters will cover the basics of modern trail design that maximizes user enjoyment and minimizes maintenance requirements and provide some practical tips to minimize the negative visual effects…
Register February 16, 2021 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET Event flyer for download Title: New Applications for Terrestrial LiDAR Systems, Monitoring Forests, Fuels and Ecosystem Health Presenters: J. Kevin Hiers and Scott Pokswinski of Tall Timbers Research Station in Tallahassee, Florida. Summary: Traditional forestry, ecological, and fuels monitoring methods are costly, error-prone and are…
Register (for one or more in the series) February 18, 2021 - Timber Management and Prescribed Fire Noon - 1:30 p.m. ET This discussion has been approved for 1.5 Category 1 CEU's by the Society of American Foresters. How can we best use fire in sites with timber management objectives? Our panel will discuss their work and…
Register February 24, 2021 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET Learn about the process of building a home with locally harvested lumber and the benefits of using local wood products. Join us for a session on building a home with locally sourced wood products, featuring discussions with Massachusetts Woodlands Institute (MWI) Board Chair Brian Donahue, MWI…
Register February 25, 2021 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. ET Event flyer and agenda for download This webinar has been approved for 2.5 Category 1 CEU's by the Society of American Foresters. This free webinar hosted by Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society and the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program will educate landowners…