Bottomland Hardwoods Management

An ecological approach to bottomland hardwoods
Bottomland hardwood forests are floodplain forests that are periodically inundated or saturated during the growing season. These forests are critically important to biodiversity, wildlife, carbon storage, recreation, and clean water in the South.
Unfortunately, they are exceptionally threatened by narrowly-focused forest management, land conversation, invasive species, rising temperatures, more frequent intense storms, and altered hydrology.
Responsible forest management of bottomland forests can be done in ways that maintain or enhance their ecological integrity, while simultaneously generating income and supplying wood products. The Guild is working to define and communicate a model of ecological forestry for bottomland hardwood forests.
Local partnerships and Guild members are crucial to expanding and deepening our positive impact. Getting into the field with colleagues is essential to learning and improving our management and conservation. The Guild is spreading our vision of ecological forestry in bottomlands through learning exchanges, field trips, the creation of demonstration sites, and boots-on-the-ground action. Our work aims to inspire and empower practitioners and landowners in the region to understand ecological impacts, conservation opportunities, and management techniques.
- 2021 Hybrid Workshop at Bladen Lakes State Forest
- 2018 Learning exchange story map
- 2018 Learning exchange report
- 2016 Bottomland Field Forum
- Wildlife Forestry in Bottomland Hardwood Forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Understanding Hydrologic Change factsheet 2021
- Wildlife Forestry in Bottomland Hardwood Forests Factsheet 2020
- Wildlife Forestry in Bottomland Hardwood Forests, webinar 2020
- Ecological Forestry Practices Guild report, FSG 2016
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