Lake States Guild Gathering & other old-growth focused events

Photo by Jeremy Turner

Written by Zander Evans

Guild involvement in old growth policy 

The current national discussion around the old-growth forests is the perfect demonstration of why the Guild is so important. We’re adding to the national policy discussion, supporting Guild members who work for federal agencies, sharing research insights, and having the in-depth discussions among members that are so important for grounding the Guild. 

A great example of members getting together for these important conversations is this summer’s Lake States Region Guild Gathering: Old Growth, Birds, and More! Kemp Station, in Wisconsin’s beautiful Northwoods, will host our event from August 28-29. We will highlight budding efforts in the region around Foresters for the Birds, with a unique perspective from more than 15 years of the Managed Old Growth Silviculture Study site. How does stewardship with birds in mind intersect with management for old-growth characteristics in these Midwest forests? The discussion with Guild staff and members, a whole team from the Northern Bird Network, and renowned ecologist Greg Edge is one you’ll want to be part of! Registration is open now. Please join us and spread the word! 

Members from across the country have gathered online for a detailed discussion of the new Technical Guidance for Standardized Silvicultural Prescriptions for Managing Old-Growth Forests. The conversation highlighted the complexity of the topic and the nuances of terminology and ecological context. The Guild’s engagement is crucial because on June 20, the US Forest Service released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Amendments to Land Management Plans to Address Old-Growth Forests Across the National Forest System. A week later, a group of Representatives introduced legislation to nullify Executive Order 14072 and prevent the Forest Service from finalizing the draft Environmental Impact Statement.  

The Guild, based on the expertise of its members, has a unique role in this national discussion. We can provide experience and examples of where a middle path leads through the debate. Guild members are experts in balancing ecological, social, and economic realities through artful stewardship. Nowhere is this more needed than in old forests.   

Picture of someone hugging a giant sequoia tree

Photo by Colleen Robinson

Sometimes, it is refreshing to share and learn about why we all support this work in ways that aren’t so weighty. Now you can express this in the Guild’s summer photo contest! We’re especially looking for compelling landscapes that include mature trees or old forest characteristics (though the contest isn’t limited to that).  

  • Contest submissions are accepted now through August 31, 2024.  
  • Voting will be online in the first half of September and winners are announced in October. 
  • Submissions are likely to appear in Guild publications in the future! 

Read the full contest details and submit yours today! Thank you to the PEW Charitable Trust for your support of this contest.